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I will Never Forget

I want everyone to know something very important. I have not forgotten where I started or where I came from. My first best friend in the entire world that was always by my side in elementary and whom I have always looked up to Amanda Gentile. Thank you for supporting me up until this day Amanda. I will never forget when this fashion thing all started when I was just 17 years old withAnadys Martinez selling and making bows out of fabric in high school. Eric Hall in drama telling me that I can win the costume design competition and I did. Lorena Alcaz for modeling our bows in high school. I will never forget Annamarie Arias voting for me for President of the Fashion Club and dressing me for my first fashion show in high school as well. Thank you to Sary Concepcion for thinking about me when a store was closing and providing me with mannequins. Sary I use those mannequins every single day! Elliott Starks and my twin Luisa M Pou for always sending me links to fashion competitions and believing in me and telling me I can win. Thank you to Elizabeth Sanchez for the major support! until this day I have my left and right hand Ana Lauren Garciaand Daniela Gomez which have been loyal to me and have been by my side during my success and failures. Thank you to my main hair stylist Elaine Zel. To every single beautiful model that has strutted my designs. Thank you. Major thank you to Ms. Latina International Erica Cuascut, for recognizing my talent. Thank you to all photographers, CEO’s, producers, etc. Thank you to everyone for showing me lessons and supporting me 100% and never less than that. Each of you have affected me in one way or another and I am thankful for that and always will be. It will always be an honor to work with you. I will never forget.


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